Welcome to Khare Lab – Rutgers University
The Khare Lab seeks to develop new enzymes and proteins using a combination of computational protein design and experimental characterization. Our goal is to develop a quantitative and predictive understanding of enzymatic structures and functions and use this understanding to inform various therapeutic and synthetic applications. Some areas of interest are biodegradation of pollutants, improving cancer chemotherapy, and designing catalytic protein drugs.

04/2019 – Nancy and Will’s paper is accepted for publication in Nature Chemistry. Congratulations!
04/2019 – Joey is awarded the Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute Fellowship for Excellence in Computational and Data Science!
04/2019 – Will receives the University and Bevier Dissertation Completion Fellowship from Rutgers!
04/2019 – Nancy wins a Merit Award from Rutgers School of Graduate Studies!
02/2019 – Kristin’s paper – joint work with Woolley lab (U. Toronto) – is accepted for publication in ChemPhotoChem. Congratulations!
11/2018 – Manasi and Aliza’s paper is accepted for publication in PNAS. Congratulations!
10/2018 – Kristin successfully defends her PhD thesis! Congratulations Dr. Blacklock!
10/2018 – Nancy successfully defends her PhD thesis! Congratulations Dr. Hernandez!
09/2018 – Aliza and Kristin’s paper – joint work with Case group – is accepted for publication in JCTC. Congratulations!
08/2018 – First-year graduate students Elizabeth Rosenzweig (Quantitative Biology) and Zilma Muneeswaran (Chemistry & Chemical Biology) join the lab for a rotation. Welcome!
07/2018 – Postdoc Brahm Yachnin’s abstract is selected for a talk in the “Creativity in Drug Discovery” Session at Protein Society Annual Meeting (PS32), Boston 2018. Congratulations!
06/2018 – Khare lab will be at Protein Society Annual Meeting, Rosetta Conference, and ACS meeting this summer. Come say hi to us!
06/2018 – Postdoc Brahm Yachnin is awarded the Mistletoe Research Foundation Fellowship. Congratulations!
05/2018 – Joint work with Baum lab is published in J Mol Biol
04/2018 – Sagar is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
04/2018 – Lab alumna Sophia Tan (now at DeGrado lab, UCSF) is awarded the NSF GRFP. Congratulations!
01/2018 – Joint work with Knapp lab involving modeling of thioether isosteres is accepted for publication. Congratulations, Kristin!
01/2018 – Shreyas Yedahalli (postdoc), Hualin Qiao (grad student) and Joseph Lubin (grad student) join the group. Welcome!
12/2017 – Kristin’s (second in two days!) paper is accepted for publication in JACS! Congratulations!
12/2017 – Kristin’s paper is accepted for publication in Proteins. Congratulations!
10/2017 – We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow to start immediately. See here
10/2017 – Aliza successfully defends her PhD! Congratulations, Dr. Rubenstein! (#3)
10/2017 – Dmitri and Will’s paper (joint work with Fasan lab) is accepted for publication in PNAS. Congratulations!
09/2017 – Welcome to rotation students for Fall’17 Joey Lubin, Skylar Chuang, Hualin Qiao (all CCB) and John Favate (MBS)
09/2017 – Manasi and Lu successfully defend their PhDs! Congratulations Drs. Pethe and Yang! (#s 1 and 2)
08/2017 – Our joint work with Ando lab is accepted for publication in PNAS
08/2017 – Lu’s paper is accepted for publication in ChemBioChem. Congrats!
08/2017 – Our joint work with Fasan lab is published in JACS
08/2017 – Our NSF grant on design of enzyme-based circuits is funded.
07/2017 – Manasi wins Travel Award and Best Poster Prize at the Protein Society Annual Meeting. Congrats!
07/2017 – Our joint work with Baum lab is published (and selected in top 2% of JBC papers in 2017!)
06/2017 – Sagar speaks at the Gordon Conference on Proteins, Holderness, NH
06/2017 – Aliza’s paper is published in PLOS Comp. Biol. Congrats!
05/2017 – Will’s paper is published in Protein Science. Congrats!
04/2017 – Will is awarded Rutgers Presidential Fellowship. Congrats!
03/2017 – Manasi and Brahm’s papers are published. Congrats!